Pre-Wedding Slim Down Circuit Workout

On top of wedding planning services for her clients, Michelle Elaine decided to offer certified fitness training after her brides (and grooms!) sought her expertise. The fitness enthusiast is sharing the perfect slim down circuit for brides looking to tone up before their big day, or for anyone trying to blast unwanted fat. The full body workout is as rewarding as it is challenging, so stick with it! If you want to make sure you are eating the right way in combination with your fitness routine, check out this healthy detox plan!

Michelle says, for best results perform the full circuit three times. On average each round should take 15 min., so the full circuit should take 45 min. It is highly recommended that you warm up with a quarter – half mile run OR 50-100 jumping jacks to get the body ready. Be sure to give yourself time to stretch at the end & cool down!

Pre-Wedding Slim Down Workout Circuit - Inspired by This

1. Tree Plank – Balance + Core + Arms

a. Lie on your right side keeping a steady form with your shoulders, chest, hips and legs in line with one another (*If you find yourself leaning forward or backward, and/or having difficulty keeping your balance just lean down on your elbow instead of fully extending your right arm.) You’re going to hold this position for 30-60 seconds, then switch to your left side and hold for another 30-60 seconds.

Pre-Wedding Slim Down Workout Circuit - Inspired by This

2. Plank-up – Core + Arms

a. Get into a full plank position, as if you are about to start a push up. From here, bring down your right arm and then your left so you get yourself into a plank position, and then lift your arms back up, leading with your right arm into that full plank position. You will keep bringing your arms down and up for 30-60 seconds, then switch to start with your left arm & perform for another 30-60 seconds.

Pre-Wedding Slim Down Workout Circuit - Inspired by This

3. Hip Dip – Core + Arms

a. Similar to the Tree Plank except this time both legs are fully extended and you will now dip your side down to just touch the ground and then bring back up. Perform these dips for 30-60 seconds and then switch to your opposite side for another 30-60 seconds.

Pre-Wedding Slim Down Workout Circuit - Inspired by This

4. One-arm Full Plank – Balance + Core + Arms

a. Get into a full plank position and just place your left arm behind your back. Hold your body steady, don’t dip your hips down or push your butt up. Hold this position for 30-60 secondsand then switch arms.

Pre-Wedding Slim Down Workout Circuit - Inspired by This

5. Balancing Plank – Full Body

a. This one is a little tough! Get into full plank position and then raise your right arm and left leg, hold for 30-60 seconds and then switch for left arm and right leg. (*This may be difficult to keep balance, if you need to, just kneel on the balancing leg.)

Pre-Wedding Slim Down Workout Circuit - Inspired by This

6. Donkey Kick – Butt + Thighs

a. Get down on all fours and just lift your right foot to a 90-degree angle/hip height so that your foot is flat to the ceiling. Press up for a few inches as you bring that foot up and then lower back down and repeat for 30-60 seconds. Switch to your left foot & repeat for another 30-60 seconds.

Pre-Wedding Slim Down Workout Circuit - Inspired by This

7. Yoga Ball Leg Lift – Full Body

a. Balance yourself into a full plank position with either a yoga ball or medicine ball and then lift your left leg and hold for 30-60 seconds while keeping balance. Then switch to your right leg & hold for another 30-60 seconds. (*The yoga ball, and/or a medicine ball will add difficulty so you can certainly opt for just having hands flat on the ground instead.)

Pre-Wedding Slim Down Workout Circuit - Inspired by This

8. Push-ups – Chest + Shoulders + Arms

a. Exactly what you’re thinking, just a basic push-up! But push-ups can transform your upper body & muscle tone! Start in a full plank position and then bring your body down & push-
up. (*If you feel your hips sinking or your butt pushing up, place both knees down for assistance & keep the body steady.) Perform 10-15 push-ups.

Pre-Wedding Slim Down Workout Circuit - Inspired by This

9. Forward Lunge – Abs + Butt +Legs + Thighs

a. Stand straight, head, shoulders, hips and feet aligned. Cross left arm over right & hold at a 90-degree angle, then lunge forward with your left leg. Continue to lunge forward alternating legs for 30-60 seconds. Then hold the lunge for 30-60 seconds and switch, this time starting with the right leg.

Listen to this playlist while you’re at it:

1. Ex’s & Oh’s – Elle King
2. Confident – Demi Lovato
3. End of Time – Beyonce
4. WTF – Missy Elliott
5. Remember The Name – Fort Minor
6. The Anthem – Pitbull
7. Downtown – Macklemore & Ryan Lewis
8. Work B**ch – Britney Spears
9. Where Have You Been – Rihanna
10. Lose Yourself – Eminem
11. Break A Sweat – Becky G
12. The Hills – the Weekend
13. Shake It Off – Taylor Swift
14. Fire – Gavin DeGraw
15. Levels – Nick Jonas

vendor love

21 responses to “Pre-Wedding Slim Down Circuit Workout

  1. You’re so sweet! I am sure you would be amazing! Just keep going & don’t ever give up! 🙂

  2. Thanks so much! So happy you enjoyed this & I can’t wait for you to try them either 🙂

  3. You still have time! Do this circuit 2-3 times a week mixed with some cardio to help tone/drop weight and you’ll be ready for the wedding day 🙂 Don’t feel discouraged you’re about to celebrate the most amazing day! All my best <3

  4. Thank you! So happy you loved it! I could have went on and one with the play list, SO many great work out songs right now! 🙂

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