Social Media Gone Wrong: Stopping Social Media Bullying

Trying to grow your brand on social media? Are you a student in school who wants to get a job when you graduate? Love to follow inspirational muses and accounts to take ideas and get inspired?

Oh good, listen up: Instagram, Twitter and Facebook are not forums provided so you have free reign to be an ass. Yep, I said it.

If you come across a post that isn’t your favorite or doesn’t inspire you, just move on!  Posting negative comments on a public forum doesn’t reflect well on you.  Ask yourself, would I want someone to say this to me or about my work?  Or would I say this to them in person?  If not, it’s best to keep it to yourself.  Behind every social media account is a human being that has put time and thought into creating that post.  Follow the golden rule – if you don’t have something nice to say, it’s best not to say anything at all.  If a post is incorrect or mis-posted, it’s always best to reach out privately and directly to have it fixed or updated.  Remember it’s not personal!  Mistakes happen, and the more grace and kindness you show the faster the mistake will be edited.  It’s not worth burning a bridge over a mistake.  Your comments and posts reflect on you as a company owner or as a potential job applicant – so choose your words wisely!


Here are my 3 tips for properly handling a post on social media you don’t agree with:

1.  Reach out privately to the user

2.  Give the user the benefit of the doubt

3.  Be respectful and appreciative when reaching out for corrections


Anyone can sit behind a screen and be mean on social media.  There typically aren’t any immediate consequences, but there are long-term impacts…bad reputations and damaged relationships can be results of negative social media use!  Use social media positively – build people up, offer support and encourage one another!  Your business will be better because of it.


For more tips like these and to learn how to take your business to the next level, reach out about my business consulting program.  Can’t wait to connect with you!

XO, Leila



14 responses to “Social Media Gone Wrong: Stopping Social Media Bullying

  1. THANK YOU for writing a post about this! It’s been bothering me so much lately and I’m so glad that you pointed it out. Especially with business accounts (but really with any account) trash talking on social media is NOT ok. There is a much more professional way to handle things.
    You girls are the best!

  2. It’s not personal! Such good advice! Social media should be fun and positive, not mean and negative. Thanks Leila!

  3. Thank you for this Leila! It’s so true… A social media post is not worth burning a bridge over!

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