We’re approaching a year since the whole world seemed to turn on its head. Our “office” has now become the at-home desk space that seems to fall in-between comfort and work. While the work from home vibe can be a little more peaceful…sometimes that sense of peace can come with consequences. Awkward Zoom encounters, forgetting to get out of pj’s, we’ve seen it all. Remote working might be something we are very familiar with by now, but that does not mean it has fixed all of its downfalls. As we continue on this journey of staying productive, we look back at how the pros and cons of remote working have come to light. Recognizing them can make navigating through a successful day of working at home, or wherever your remote working takes you.

Pros: 1. Less Commute Stress
We’ve all been there. The car won’t start. The subway will not arrive fast enough. Making it out the door and to work in time can fall completely in the hands of the commute. Remote working has eliminated that barrier completely. While commuting from our bed to our desk can be a challenge, it does not match the feeling of fear as you watch as that bus pulls away from the stop you’re approaching.
2. A Better Work-Life Balance
Productivity in the workplace will always been an essential. With that in mind, the presence of being at home can increase that time of work while also allowing for more time to live. Walking your dog or picking your kid up from work in between calls is something that remote working allows for. Work and life are more combined, allowing for an emphasis on both in different ways than before.
Image via @beinspiredpr
3. Location Independence
For us, the home office hits the spot when it comes to location. However, for some, the answer to remote working is finding a new place to thrive in their work. With the capabilities (Wi-Fi, outlets, signal) to do so, remote working allows for location independence to almost anywhere. Finding a new place that allows you to be as productive as possible could change the work game.
4. A Customizable Office
A Zoom camera can only see so much. Transforming your space can allow for creativity to flow in ways you don’t even realize. Candles, photos, calendars, etc. All of these small details can make your space feel more “yours” than any office could.
Image via @onclosetnine
1. Feeling a Little Isolated
We get it. Not being able to meet up by the coffee machine and chat about our weekends during breaks is something we’re definitely missing. Coworkers become friends we’re used to seeing every day, and remote working limits that. However! Zoom does not just have to be for work meetings. Get your coworkers together for virtual happy hour. The world is so connected virtually! Make the most of it.
2. Increased Distractions
Checking our Instagram feeds is a daily battle. Knocks on the door. Laundry piling up. All of these distractions come up in ways they never would in an office setting. The key is to make your space office-like. Put that phone away. Leave the laundry for after-hours. Prioritize making office hours only about your work. There will be time for those other things just as there was before remote working.
Image via @livecomposed
3. Security Concerns
Company privacy and security are essential. With everything being over virtual platforms, it makes sense that security concerns would arise in a remote working environment. There are simple solutions! Make sure you are using a password manager. Keep your antivirus software up to date. Lock your phone and laptop. Each of these simple tasks could make a world of difference for your comfort.
4. Less Collaboration
Teamwork makes the dream work am I right? It is so important to hold onto collaboration even in the remote work setting. Utilizing platforms such as Zoom and Slack can keep that progress alive. Getting to ask questions and seek out opinions is so important in ensuring your work is meeting the highest of standards. Not only will this contact promote collaboration, it will be yet another way to work on that feeling of isolation as well.
Image via @cc.plans
Digging into the pros and cons of remote working can make all the difference when it comes to productivity. There is so much to learn about yourself in this unique time. Work can be just as successful in this environment as it has been in the past. Pay attention to what makes you feel your best and focus on that!