PR Tips 101: It’s Quality not Quantity

In the business world it’s easy to get caught up with numbers – how many clients do I have booked so far for this year? How do I get more? But what truly matters more, the quantity of clients or the quality of the client? When booking clients we should all evaluate whether or not it’s a good fit for our wedding business and brand, rather than taking them on just for a paycheck. While working with 40 brides a year might be a nice chunk of change, if they’re not brides that reflect your style and design aesthetic it’s not going to grow your business and elevate you to the next level. Plus, with wedding after wedding on the calendar, are you really taking the time to pull off a quality event? Or is it more like a production line where you’re just cranking them out? You don’t want to be on the path to burn out, where you are constantly exhausted, feeling frazzled, and having to come up for air.

Quality clients are a major piece of the growth puzzle that I think gets overshadowed by numbers. We should all be intentional about who we take on as it’s an investment of time and a reflection of our brand. Not everyone that inquires for your services is going to be a fit, and that’s ok! That’s part of the beauty of being in an industry where there’s all sorts of designs and styles, it gives you the freedom to work with clients that are going to bring out the best in you. Don’t be afraid to say no if someone isn’t a fit, believe me it’s better for both you and the client in the long run. You’ll be free to fill that position with a quality client and they’ll find another vendor who is a better fit for them too. Quality over quantity – “Quality is never an accident. It is always the result of intelligent effort.” Limiting clients to only those that are the perfect fit for our businesses allows us to give our best, to put forward our greatest work and produce a product and service that is a true reflection of who we are as a business.

Photo by Jose Villa


0 responses to “PR Tips 101: It’s Quality not Quantity

  1. I so agree!! I started really looking at this last year and I hoping this year will see the fruit of my being more selective. I know when I work with couples who really appreciate my work, reguardless of the cost it is always more enjoyable for both of us!! Thanks for Sharing.

  2. So very true! One thing that was important to me was my wedding jewelry, i didnt want to skimp so i made sure to get the best quality handcrafted fine jewelry i could find in my reach and came across Samantha Louise Jewelry. the quality is amazing and the designs are beautiful! check out her handcrafted jewelry designs at

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