One of the best things about fall is lighting cozy candles, but with so many options, how can you ever decide which scent to burn?! Not to worry – we’re here to give you the easiest way to find your perfect signature scent for your home. We’ve put together a scent-sational list of candles that match every enneagram type to make your candle shopping a little easier this season. From perfectionist Type Ones to easy-going Type Nines, we’ve got the perfect fall candle for every personality! Scroll down to see which candle was meant for you!

Type 1 – Linen
If you’re a Type One, you probably prefer scents that are classic, timeless, and are perfect to use all-year-round. We love a classic fresh linen scented candle to give you a comforting scent every time you open the front door!

Type 2 – Amber Vanilla
Type Twos are the perfect embodiment of a warm and cozy hug – which makes an amber vanilla candle their perfect match! This scent makes you feel cozy and at ease, which is the best representation of helpful and friendly Type Twos.
If you’re a Type One, you probably prefer scents that are classic, timeless, and are perfect to use all-year-round. We love a classic fresh linen scented candle to give you a comforting scent every time you open the front door!

Image via World Market
Type 3 – Teakwood & Tobacco
What’s bold and strong like a Type Three? A teakwood and tobacco candle of course! This confident and unforgettable scent reminds us of all of our favorite things about our Type Three friends.

Type 4 – Japanese Citrus
Light and bright, a Japanese citrus candle is exactly the type of candle that any Type Four would burn in their home. It provides just the right amount of zing that we’d expect from a Four!

Type 5 – Spiced Chai
One of the things we love best about Type Fives is their sharp and minimalistic spirit – which is exactly why we know they’re burning spiced chai candles in their living room every evening! This warm and spicy scent was practically made for Fives.

Type 6 – Ocean
What do ocean scented candles and Type Sixes have in common? Everyone loves them! Type Sixes are friendly enough to get along with everyone, just like an ocean scented candle – calming, comforting, and reassuring enough to please anyone in the room.

Type 7 – Pink Grapefruit & Prosecco
Vivacious and bubbly Type Sevens should be burning candles that match their bright personalities, so a pink grapefruit and prosecco option is perfect for them! This scent is unforgettable and can’t be ignored, just like Sevens!

Type 8 – Rosemary
A rosemary candle is just bold and sharp enough to leave an impression, much like a Type Eight would. There’s nothing subtle about this scent (or this type!).

Type 9 – Eucalyptus & Spearmint
Type Nines are easy going and easy to be loved by all. We think their perfect scent should be something similar, like a calming eucalyptus and spearmint candle to burn at home!

If you loved finding out the candle that matches your enneagram, find out your enneagram cocktail match next!