5 Secrets To Landing Your Dream Internship

With fall semesters on the horizon, now is the perfect time to land an internship. So I’d thought I would share some tips to help you get there! I love working with students ,and after reviewing hundreds of resumes from college applicants and recent grads, I know exactly what I’m looking for in an intern. Internships can be invaluable, especially while you’re in school. Landing a legit internship means you are gaining credible experience for your real life job opportunity down the road. But how do you get the chance to work at your dream job? These are my 5 secrets to landing the internship you’ve always wanted:

1) Your first email is everything

After searching for an email address on the company website you think you’ve hit the jackpot when you land on “contact@yourdreamjob.com.” However, do you know who to address when you send the email? You should. Knowing who you are wanting to work for, addressing them by name, and showing that you have followed the company by referencing specifics will make your email stand out.

2) What Can you do for them

Make it your job to know everything you can possibly know about the company you want to work for. What do they do and who are their clients? Make it clear that if you are given the opportunity to interview that you have done your homework and that you can bring value. Think to yourself “what can I do for them” and then make it known.

3) Be Social but Not Too Social

Potential employers are going to scour your Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn, and Pinterest feeds. What will they find? Pictures of you at spring break with your boyfriend? OR a behind the scenes look into the life of an applicant who really stands out. Someone who has style, grace, and knows how to consistently post on social media with class.

Remember that what happens in Vegas stays in Vegas, but what happens on social media stays on the internet forever. This is a chance for you to make yourself look good before a potential employer even reads your resume.

4) The Interview

There can be a whole other post on how to interview for your dream job, but in the meantime keep this in mind: Dress to impress. This means more than just “put on a suit and brush your hair.” Do your homework and understand the corporate culture. Don’t come in over dressed or too casual. Show up early, always bring a copy of your resume, and dress the part.

5) Going the extra mile

Leave something behind. Let them remember you. Over the years I’ve seen flowers, custom made binders, DIY inspiration boards, a cup of coffee etc.. You get the point. What you choose to leave behind is up to you but make sure you do something to leave your mark.

For more tips like these and to learn how to craft the perfect resume and land the job of your dreams reach out to work with me. Can’t wait to connect with you! XO, Leila


9 responses to “5 Secrets To Landing Your Dream Internship

  1. So on point! As a fellow business owner, I can’t stand getting emails that say “to whom it may concern” or “dear hiring manager.” those go straight into my trash folder!

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