Too often do people fall in love with an industry or job yet lack a clear vision and voice. So they do what’s easiest and emulate their peers. They take on the attitude of: Let’s not do the work, lets just copy everyone else and try to do things the way they do. I put these people in the “I don’t know who I am so I’ll try being you” category. People who just got married and think they are qualified to be wedding planners off the bat- are not. Just because someone has a website or blog claiming they are a photographer but haven’t ever shot a real wedding doesn’t make them legitimate. Social media gurus keep popping up as do wedding marketing and PR experts and wedding planners who can coach and teach. What about you makes you qualified to do what you do? How long have you been at your craft claiming that you are a leader and teacher? Do you have the experience to back it up? Experience coupled with a flair for what is clearly YOU and not someone else is a huge part of what makes you credible. Perhaps you catering to a client that’s not so mainstream or just conducting business in a way all your own will be part of your business foundation. If you want to be a trendsetter in the wedding industry you need to nail down who you want to be and make sure that you are projecting it exactly! Stop trying to be like everyone else. You’ll never be them! You aren’t them. You can admire and learn from them, however being you and really embracing what makes you different is what will set you apart and get you to book more and better suited business. If you aren’t sure if you fall into this category, try to sit down and figure our why someone would book you over the competition or why you think you are more novel than everyone in your field and completely leverage that unique trait. Not to get too biblical but we were all “uniquely and wonderfully made”. Lets celebrate that!
Photo by Kiss The Groom
xo, Leila, WeddingPR
I really love your posts… you are so right about being who YOU are and not trying to be like someone else! Great advice for life and business.
It takes too much effort to be what you’re not, and if you do most people will be able to tell you’re a phony anyway, haha. Great post!
FABULOUS advice … FABULOUS post … FABULOUS blog … FABULOUS lady! Leila, you have it going on and I love how hard you rock your PR talents in this amazing industry … Can’t wait to lunch with you when I’m in LA next!
Heather Sharpe
great post and love the brutal truth Leila! What a refreshing reminder to all of us. You’re the real deal!!
Great post and oh, so true!!
Thank you!
I love this post! It challenges all of us in the Industry to raise the bar by just being ourselves and projecting that
to our clients and peers. It’s harder but beneficial to our business in the long run.
You are right on…I was just thinking the other day “Wow, now everyone ‘is’ a business coach and PR expert”.
Apparently that is the new trend among Wedding professionals. We do need advice and insight but
from those who have walked the walk and can really teach us how to get there.
Very Good Lelia, so so true. Leverage is very powerful. When you know that you can offer a client your signature style (blueprint, Mark etc..) and they see it and they need it and appreciate it and choose you over your competitor, you feel really really good. I booked an Asian and an Indian wedding and you know what i’m neither but the clients saw my style, my vision and what i could offer and they choose me. So what did that do for me? Makes me want to contintue to hone and fine tune my skills, you read more, you research more, you attend more meetings, and be very greatful. Your blog post most appreciated.
Well written blog post Leila. I’m inspired by you! Keep it real girl…! ~ Dawn
Thank you for sharing what I know to be true and so appreciate the confirmation.
Wow girl! Great post. I love that you just put it out there. Something we see so much of in the industry. You can be great when you are yourself!
Great post…keep ’em coming!
Wow -amazing post Leila! Thanks for keeping things real as always. Love your honesty.
Three cheers for that sentiment. There are plenty of brides out there for all of us. They’ll naturally want to work with vendors who suit their personality, energy and style.
Loving your posts – so . uniquely . you .!.
ABC Dragoo
I really enjoy your posts and appreciate your expertise. I hope in being you, that you will never be afraid to be too Biblical. We are all wonderfully, uniquely and fearfully made and cannot apologize for something we had nothing to do with. The beauty is in the fact that your post gives us permission, so to speak, to step out in faith and be what is true.
Please keep sharing.
Great, great post. So true, Leila.
Wow! im so happy this all resonated with you. I feel like its something i run across everyday in our business. People who just want to be like everyone else (you, me, etc..) There is something to be said about a quote I once heard: “I’m not trying to be the next… anybody. I’m going to be the next me”. Meaning we are going to create the trends and be the best us- not the best version of someone else!!
Thank you so much for the wonderful post! I am just getting started in the wedding industry (cakes), and am really working hard to stay true creating and further developing my own style. Your smart and eloquent post is a great reminder to me to continue to remain on my current path. Many thanks!
hear! hear! thanks for saying this out loud.
Love this post! Thanks so much!
Great post and great examples. They should be very proud of who they are and sticking to it.
THANK YOU!! This is what drives me nuts when I meet other planners in my area and they treat me like I have the plague!! I can all but guarantee that the bride I attract (and WANT to attract) is going to be different from yours. And thank you so much for the “guru” and “expert” comments. Honestly–I feel like I’m bombarded by those lately!
What a wonderful post! I love that you remind us that we are all unique, (it’s why our clients CHOOSE us, after all) and to capitalize on that!
Thanks for the motivation!
i love this!!! i love how you promote “be yourself” no one can duplicate you or me. and that is what makes us special and unique. i love it Leila!!!
what a great post leila. totally agree with you.
I have to say this- that you are such a great example of exactly what you are saying.
It’s so true, that if we all just made that conscious effort to do what we do best and to do it for no one else other than ourselves and our own clients happiness- the outcome would be amazing.
Just found your blog and I LOVE it!!! This post is awesome! Keep up the great work!
Annette Biggers