For as long as I can remember I have loved the color green, for certain, it is my absolute favorite color! Lime, Chartreuse, Emerald oh my! There are so many beautiful shades. However, green has more than surface beauty. It symbolizes living and thriving, it is growth, abundance and forward motion. You see it daily at traffic lights signaling people to move ahead, on a vine finding its way out of an old rock wall, and in tiny stems pushing their way upward from the earth.
Green is inspiring! Every winter the cold and the elements strip the trees of their leaves and the fields of their grasses, but then heroic spring sweeps in and the hills and meadows erupt into verdant expanses. Green is everywhere: Symbolizing life is fresh and new and full of beginnings!
Some lush green shots from the ever inspiring Jose Villa If you’re on Twitter, Follow him!
I love Green Wedding Shoes! Not just because my favorite color is in the title of her business name, but because Jen consistently showcases new and unique ideas, images from gorgeous weddings and fresh, inspiring breakout vendors. Follow Green Weddings Shoes Blog on Twitter!
This is my very favorite inspiration board from Snippet & Ink. I love love love it! She’s on Twitter too!
Love THIS: The Greener Side (a spin off from their parent special event lighting company The Lighter Side) They are “green” in more ways then one and I think you should check them all out for your event lighting needs. Plus the green forest on their website is so inviting. I want to get lost in there for awhile.
Thanks for everyone’s support this first week, I can’t tell you how much I appreciate it!! In closing I’ll end with this quote..
“If the only prayer you ever say in your entire life is ‘thank you’ it will be enough….”- Meister Eckhart
Leila ~ Love your post color choice ~ very earthy, springy and generally uplifting. So excited that you’ve started a blog, kudos on all your success and I look forward to many more amazing and inspiring posts!
Thanks so much for the mention Leila!! Much appreciated. Great first week of posts – and great taste – that is one of my fav boards from Kathryn also – a lot of people don’t think of green as romantic, but it totally can be!
that s&i board is one of my very favorites as well! it’s got my ring in it, which i am still coveting and crossing my fingers for someday!! pairing the green with aqua is such an original take on the color!
I love your blog! I will definitely be there ready every entry
you are amazing.. and I want to be just like you when I grow up!
You reek of fabulousness and drip with everything that I find absolutely wonderful. I just discovered your blog today and just had to say that I will be checking in often. L-O-V-E!!
It’s nice to know I’m not the only one with a green obsession!
Loved your first week of blogs-inspirational and informational…keep up the great work!
I cast my bread on the waters long ago. Now it’s time for you to send it back to me-toasted and buttered on both sides. – Jesse Louis Jackson
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